Advocacy, Volunteer Tesia Kisner Advocacy, Volunteer Tesia Kisner

Volunteer Spotlight: Ji-hern Baek

We recently had the chance to reflect on what 15 years looks like with our Education Committee Lead & Associate Board Member, Ji-hern Baek. Read his interview below to hear about his experiences with IP and what empowering black & brown youth means for the future of design.

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Advocacy, Community Board Tesia Kisner Advocacy, Community Board Tesia Kisner

Introducing Black Aspirations Matter (BAM) Scholarship

As Black, Latinx, and underrepresented designers of color, we know that being connected with folks who root for our success can make all the difference in our career journeys. We are excited to announce our partnership with Black Aspirations Matter (BAM), a grassroots, inter-community effort to raise funds for Black college students who are interested in careers in design or technology.

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Videos Tesia Kisner Videos Tesia Kisner

Designed: Michele Y. Washington

It is our pleasure to release long time designer, educator, advocate, researcher and design strategist, Michele Y. Washington. Michele is a historian and advocate for Blacks in design as well as an all-around, down-to-earth solemn character, full of life and knowledge. Pre-pandemic, we visited her in New York to talk to her about her thoughts on diversity in design, career, and advice for young people.

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Education, Programs Tesia Kisner Education, Programs Tesia Kisner

Program Spotlight: IP Studio

Inneract Project (IP) launched its very first program for high schoolers, IP Studio, challenging students to solve a need in their communities through design. The program intended to help students create a portfolio piece for launching their design career.

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